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Exit the RMM TeamViewer Host

How to exit TeamViewer Host; when in use by MSP or IT company.

Here at Atcom, our Remote Management and Monitoring tool uses TeamViewer for remote control access to servers and endpoints. TeamViewer is a popular remote desktop program for many companies in the IT space, however the hosted version sometimes doesn’t play nice with ad-hoc versions. The following instructions will hopefully assist you in getting support from these companies that use TeamViewer to remotely assist without interfering with your IT companies support tools.

1. Locate the TeamViewer Icon

Click the “show hidden icons” button on your task tray if you don’t see the TeamViewer logo here.

more icons

2. Right click the TeamViewer Icon

This gives you more options.


3. Exit TeamViewer

Close the running TeamViewer session.

exit teamviewer

You can now run the TeamViewer tool downloaded as directed by whoever is trying to support you. Once the session is finished, your best bet is to reboot your PC to ensure that you reconnect to your IT companies tool correctly.