Do you want IT Tech support on Tap?
You can with 24/7/365 access to our friendly technicians with just a phone call.
Microsoft Support
Our technicians will walk you through setting up your Outlook mail client, OneDrive connection and other software found within your specific Microsoft 365 Business plan.
Install Software Remotely
Our technicians have no need to install software for you with our remote management tool
Device Monitoring
Our remote management tool allows us to monitor your hardware and network so that our technicians can keep on top of any issues.
Tuning & tweaking
Our technicians ensure that your servers and other technology are in tip top condition through updates, backups and system checks. These keep your business connected and secure
support Hotline
Our support hotline is monitored 24/7/365 so that you can have piece of mind in contacting us.
Allow us to manage your IT System
Our support services do not interfere with your staff’s work day.
Each of our clients have individual support requirements and we cater to all of them.
What do I need to do to get started?
Every business is different and has different needs in regards to support. Below is a generalisation based on most business circumstances in our experience.

Internet Connectivity
To effectively monitor your
Technology, good connectivity to the Internet is required. Without this remote fixes are not available for any software / hardware issues.

Discussions with our customer happiness agent to find out what business problem this type of support is going to solve. Your expectations in regards to access as well as the monitoring and management.

Resources & Requirements
What is the current state of your technology as well as what infrastructure you have?

When are you expecting to have access to our 24/7/365 Support Service?

Quotation Period
Once we have all your information & requirements we provide a quote for you to review.
Any changes that need to be made are done before acceptance.
Client accepts quote

Our technicians organise all the necessary software and remote tools so you & your staff have access to our 24/7/365 Support.
This can take as little as an hour however we work with you to move your systems so that it does not interfere with your daily work.
Enter your details for a FREE consultation,
To see how we can help you run your business your way.
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