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Moving a high flyer

Case Study

Their website was no longer on the internet and they needed it to be recovered and hosted again. Resurrecting a website that had disappeared from the WWW, so the Company can obtain leads to follow up.
Provides drone services to a variety of industries within WA

  • 20201031
  • Domains/Websites


A client who provides drone services to a variety of industries, moved initially to Atcom Technology for Information Technology services. atcomHost was task with retrieving their website, and move it to our hosting platform.

Client Requests

The client wanted to be able to edit the website content themselves once the site had been resurrected.


Our first challenge was that their website was ‘lost’ meaning there was no access to where it was hosted or it the account had been deleted. At some point in time the site had been downloaded via the Save Page As …” feature in a browser and put on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) storage account. This brought up the second challenged in that not all the images were available nor was some of the content. Using the Internet Archive Wayback Machine we were able to locate the missing images and content.

Our Solution

We became the managers of their Domain Name through our reseller account changing their NS records as well as creating an account for their domain on our hosting platform, which is also used for their email via M365, editing their MX, SPF and DMARC records accordingly. We installed WordPress, and using the a variety of Gutenberg Editor Blocks, as well as implementing a child theme based on the Popularis theme, we recreated the website from scratch using the Internet Archive snapshots as a guide along with the information in the files from AWS. We also put in our preferred secure lock down plugins such as:

  • WordFence Security to provide a firewall and brute force protection

  • WPvivid Backup to provide once source of backups
  • Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

  • Mainwp Child plugin to allow automation of updates to WordPress Core, plugins and theme

As the Client has the Business Internet Presence plan, we also ensured Google Search Console and Google Analytics were set up as well as adding in Yoast, for on page Search Engine Optimisation.

the Result

The client now has a working website that is using WordPress and hardened against brute force attacks, invalid logins as well as having plugins and themes updated regularly so that there are no security holes via them. There was also a backup strategy put in place with remote storage of said backups

To find out more about what secure lock-down, mail record edits or anything else to do with hosting a website check out our FAQs.

Lessons Learnt

There should be backups of the website and database on a regular basis so that if a site is removed from a server, then you are able to rebuild it easily.