Thank you very much!
Very happy with the security system we have, thank you for your help.
Allow us to Handle Securing your Technology
Installing security cameras and setting up secure storage of the recordings
Installing our preferred anti-virus software, so scheduled scans can be done on your computers
Enabling Advance Threat Protection on your Microsoft 365 Business account for your emails.
Each of our clients have individual support requirements and we cater to all of them.
What do I need to do to get started?
Every business is different and has different needs in regards to support. Below is a generalisation based on most business circumstances in our experience.

Internet Connectivity
So you can monitor your security cameras, update the anti-virus software, or receive your emails.

What are you looking for in regards to cyber-security? Is it a comprehensive solution or more targeted.

Resources & Requirements
What technology & infrastructure that you are currently using?

How soon do you want to implement your chosen cyber security solution

Quotation Period
A quote based on your requirements.
Any adjustments to the quote that need to done before acceptance.
Client accepts quote

Our technicians are able to implement your cyber security solution.
Implementation can take from 2-5 business days although some solutions are able to be implemented in the same day.
Enter your details for a FREE consultation,
To see how we can help you run your business your way.
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